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Venture Richmond Tax Exemption Issues


2014 February 08

Ms. Lou Brown Ali, Chief of Staff, lou.ali@richmondgov.com

The Honorable Mr. Baliles and Honorable City Council
City of Richmond
900 E. Broad St., Suite 200
Richmond, VA 23219 USA

Council – Venture Richmond Tax Exemption Application
Ordinances 2014-2, 2014-3, 2014-4

Dear Mr. Baliles and Members of Council,

Please make the following documents part of the official record for each of the above referenced ordinances:

Document 1:

Venture Richmond Tax Exemption Application – Chronology of Law and Facts

This document contains information for the following issues:

A.  Legal issues:

01 Property does not qualify for exemption.
02 Application is for wrong property.
03 Application expired on April 8, 2013.
04 Ordinances contain substituted plat.
05 Application was incomplete.
06 Application failed to specify purpose.
07 Application failed to state how property is used.
08 Application failed to certify exclusive use of property.
09 Application failed to answer list of questions.
10 Application contained documents for wrong entity.
11 Applicant paid $242,233 annual compensation to CEO.
12 Applicant spent $32,000 for advocacy and petitions.
13 Review committee recommended against application.
14 City attorney evaluated property for “public park”.
15 City attorney declined to find property eligible.
16 Property is not zoned for use.
17 Property may be used to consume alcohol.
18 Property may be rented for profit.
19 Property may be rented for private use.
20 Ordinances do not list a specific use.
21 Ordinances list a legally unrecognized use.
22 City council does not define “cultural”.
23 Files will be inadequate for triennial review.

B. Ethical/Favoritism/Transparency Issues:

01 Ordinances requested by a city partner of applicant.
02 Ordinances introduced by the president of applicant.
03 Ordinances presented by a city partner of applicant.
04 Public does not know specific reason for delay.

Document 2:

Letter sent to City Council on February 3 2014

This letter questions compliance with the January 28 2013 application and qualification deadline and the April 8 2013 City Council action deadline.
City Council should not consider these ordinances until all the issues are resolved.

Sincerely yours,

C. Wayne Taylor, Publisher
City Hall Review LLC

Chronology of Law and Facts 02.pdf
20140205 letter to council.pdf

Copy: City Clerk, Better Government Richmond, News media, Interested parties

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